
Book Box about Diversity

What is a book box?

It is well known that prejudices are not innate, they are learnt.

This is why it is all the more important for children to encounter many different characters. Books reflect diverse living environments and at the same time are windows into these living environments. We want to give parents the opportunity to explore the dimensions of diversity together with their children. With our book boxes on diversity, we want to show that we are all part of the big picture in our diversity.

Parents with children of nursery and primary school age can therefore now borrow three diversity book boxes, each containing ten different diverse children's books, from the Family Office.

Each Family Office book box consists of 10 different diverse (picture) books:

Book Box 1

Book Box 2

Book Box 3

(please note that the books in our boxes are in German)

How can the book boxes be borrowed?

University members can borrow a book box from the Family Office for a maximum of 7 days by filling in the booking enquiry form below. We will get back to you.

Booking Enquiry

Booking Enquiry

The terms of use and information on the supervisory duty can be found here.
(Please note that the document is currently only available in German)

The privacy policy of the University of Wuppertal can be found here.

Note on electronic data storage - The registration data will only be stored electronically for the purpose of registration. The data will not be passed on to third parties.

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